In modern production instead of natural milk, it is increasingly being used so called dry milk (milk powder) – instant substance produced by drying normalized pasteurized milk. Primarily, it is caused by technical considerations – dry milk could be stored much longer than natural.
All halakhic authorities agree that the status of powder milk by any means differs from the status of usual milk. In other words, all goods that contain milk powder is allowed to eat only after one hour, three or six hours (depends on custom) after a meat dish. However, these people who drink only Jewish milk raise the question: does this requirement also apply to the powder, or powder milk could be of any origin?
Many modern halakhic authorities wondered with that question. And opinions, as usually happens, varied. (We are not surprised, right?). Chazon Ish (Jore Dea 41:4) concluded that powder milk is no different from natural one. However, a contemporary r. Tzvi Pesakh Frank
(Har Tzvi, Jore Dea, 103) did not agree with that. According to his point of view, even these who adhere to rules of Jewish milk should agree that this ban does not apply to the goods which took absolutely another form.
An economic factor intervened in the dispute of the greatest. There is relatively little of Jewish powder milk on the market, therefore following the opinion of Hazon Isha would be quite harsh challenge for producer. Therefore, Тhe Chief Rabbinate of Israel decided to follow the opinion of r. Frank: according to his politics, regular kosher goods could contain non-Jewish powder milk and only mehadrin powder must be “Jewish”.
Usually non-Jewish dry milk content is stated on labels. Nevertheless, people who strictly follow the rules of Jewish dry milk, probably should check that question individually.
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