As you know, our project went for crowdfunding at Jewcer.
Many people ask, how they can contribute. Especially, if they do it first time, it is quite a challenging task for them.

So, we decided to create a kind of manual for contributing with our project as an example.

1. Open crowdfunding page

2015-04-21 09.55.23If you are using your mobile phone, then you will see the following page.

3f3aa08f92e7b3e3991b8808c3fdd405 Open this site from desktop and you will see the following page.

2. Select desired award for your contribution

Mobile users
2015-04-21 09.55.38 Scroll down a little and touch button “Fund this campaign”

2015-04-21 09.55.53 you will see the page with selection of awards. Let’s assume, you selected 10$ award. Remember, you will get 1 year Premium subscription for this amount.

Desktop browser users
3f3aa08f92e7b3e3991b8808c3fdd405 On main page click button “Fund this campaign”

aeafed0d80ed33a0ba4e893f8268d9ea You will see the page, where you can select award or just input any amount of money, you want contribute.

3. Submit contribution

Mobile users
2015-04-21 09.56.18 Scroll down to see the following page. Enter your e-mail twice and press “Continue”

Desktop browser users
56bc9577d8717247db9fca8e504911a9Scroll down to see the following page. Enter your e-mail twice and press “Continue”

3. pay on Paypal

Mobile users
2015-04-21 09.56.39 You will see the following Paypal page. If you have an account and want to pay from your account, just login. If you don’t have an account and want to pay from your credit or debit card, then press “buy as guest”

2015-04-21 09.57.05 In case you want to use Paypal as guest, you will see the following page. Enter all the required information and press Continue. It will redirect you to credit or debit card payment page.

Desktop browser users
87b989295361c58fafa35fddc9bcc431 You will see the following Paypal page. If you have an account and want to pay from your account, just login. If you don’t have an account and want to pay from your credit or debit card, then press “Pay with credit or debit card”. In case you want to use Paypal as guest, you will see the following page. Enter all the required information and press Continue. It will redirect you to credit or debit card payment page.